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December 13th 2023

A quick update, Sunday night Trap shooting will be on hiatus until the Spring.  Tuesday Night League will continue in the meantime!

November 24th 2023

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! and good luck to all of our hunters out there!

We received the following message that we wanted to share.

May 8th 2023

Additional Trap practice will now begin on Sundays from 12 PM to 2 PM.

There will not be Trap practices on the third Sunday of each month.



April 11th 2023

We have started a new website to replace the original.  The Saegertown Sportsmen's club would like to thank Joe Pyrdek (former web master) for his dedication and work on keeping the old website going.  Joe passed unexpectedly on January 18th 2023 and left some very large shoes to fill.  He will be missed.

Tuesday Night League fires up this evening (April 11th) with sign-ups starting at 4 PM.  We hope to see you there!

VIPL will have our first shoot of the season this Saturday at 5 PM at the pistol range.


News updated December 20, 2022

For December we received an early Christmas present.  Our present was a very short meeting with one very important piece of news.  That news is that our club is starting an entire new shooting program for those who enjoy the most common type of firearm, the .22LR rifle and handgun.  YES!  We will be featuring a .22LR sports action shooting league this May.  After months of preparation, planning and research the new league will open in the third Saturday of May and will shoot monthly till September.  For additional information please refer to the page below.

The meeting also reminded everyone that the Lake & Valley League will be holding the December shoot at Linesville this coming Sunday. We can really use your joining us as we try to improve our ranking in the L&V.  The results for the L&V shoot unfortunately will be delayed in posting because of some unforeseen problems but they will be added to our L& page ass soon as possible.  News updated December 20, 2022

November's L&V Shoot was definitely not the best of conditions.  Cold and Windy conditions made for a low shooter turnout.  Add in that it was also held on one of Pennsylvania's very few  Sundays where hunting for bear qas legal and you have "the perfect storm: for low attendance.  Only 51 shooters faced these challenging conditions and when it was over Linesville jeft our grounds with the first place score of 228.  Our top five did come in second with a 225 effort with the 46's of father and son team Dan and Sean Spencer, con Shearer's 45 and the matching 44's of Katie Kanyuck and Chris Layton.  Their work brought us four team points and held us in second place for the season with 12 points placing us behind Linesville's 13.5 points.

For December we travel to Linesville to visit the Pymatuning Sportsmen Club with signups from 10:00 A.M. till 3:00 P.M.  Let us hope for better weather conditions and a chance to improve our standing in the league.   News updated November 29, 2022

Election Night Results are available here and only here!  November 14th was election day and the polls were open at our monthly meeting.  We have our officers elected for another year and one new Board Member and one incumbent elected for the three year terms.  When Paul Pressy's term as a board member ended he chose not to run for another term  We would like to thank Paul for his many years of service in so many roles including President, Board member and other areas of responsibility.  Enjoy your retirement from office Paul but do keep coming around to the club because we enjoy your visits.  Paul's retirement opened the door for a new Board member to come aboard.  Joe Shellito accepted the Nominating Committee's requst and, following the election, took office with a three year term on the Board.

In other news, remember that this Sunday, November 20th we will be hosting the November shoot for the Lake & Valley Trap League.  Signups open at 9:00 A.M. and close at 3:00 P.M.  We r5eakky need your help to handle the crowd and provide a smooth running match.  Won't you please come out and offer your assistance.

John Jordan reported on the end of the 2022 Youth Trap League  season.   The team finished in Second Place.  The youths had a very enjoyable and safe season and the team is greatly appreciative of all the help they received from our local community.

In a first for our club, Nickreported on the progress in preparing for a .22 Action Shooting League but he, because of a naw job he took ib=n Cleveland, attended our meeting via internet teleconferencing.  Joe Pyrdek supplied the club's end of the teleconference.  A primary part of the discussion was regarding youth participation and it was thought to be a requirement that all youths must have successfully completed the Pennsylvania Hunter safety course and a slighly modified course of fire will be used for the youth members of this all ages .22 rimfire league.  All shooters in this league will be reuired to be members of our club. 

Joe Shellito reported on a meeting regarding possible changes in the plans for the Pymatuning Waterfowl Mangement.  There is some concern and uncertainty regard these potential chages.  He also reported that the Game Commission, for next year, is adopting a Point of Sale licensing system for the anterless deer season.  These licenses will be sold through the same dealers where you currently purchase your general and other hunting license.  There are additional terms, gates of sale and so forthstill to be finalized prior to the start of this new method of license sales. 


It's November and hunting seasons are going full bore.  Yes, November has arrived and with it comes the opening of the regular firearms seasons for Pennsylvania's big game species of Deer and Bear  and the very recent opening of the Fall Turkey season.  That means if you haven't yet sighted in your deer or bear rifle or handgun, you are running out of time.  It also means that our monthly meeting will be held on Monday, November 14thth, beginning at 7:00 P.M.  Remember also that Daylight Savings time will be ending at 2:00 A.M. on November 6th.  Set your clocks back an hour so you don't miss getting back that hour of sleep you lost back in the Spring.  The return of Standard time also means that the Tuesday nite winter shoots will be starting up in November 8th.  The "Panda League" (my nickname for it since you "Eat, Shoots and Leaves." based on an old joke ) will be firing up the cooking ovens for the communal dinner feast and the practice trap shooting that will be available Tuesday late afternoon and evenings.

November also means that our annual newsletter has been mailed to all members along with the reminder that it is time to renew your membership.  In the Newsletter you can find out all the great things that have happened in the past year with our club and its members.  A copy is available HERE if you are a member but did not receive the Newsletter in the mail. 

Another November activity coming up is the Lake & Valley Trap League shoot which is being held at our grounds on Sunday, November 20th, 9:00 A.M. till 3:00 P.M.  Come on out and help us win our home match.  News updated November 2, 2022

We Came, We Saw, We Won!  We are talking about the October Lake  & Valley League shoot at Cochranton on the 16th of course.  Thanks to the 49's of Sean Spencer and Jim Taylor backed up by the 48 of John Catlin and the 46's of Bob Huson and Chris Layton, we took first place with our team score of 238.  Home team Cochranton and Linesville tied for second with mathing 246's followed by Albion's 225 and Greenville's 221.  Remember that the November shoot will be held at our grounds on the 20th.  Come out and join us in trying to continue our winning ways.   News updated October 18, 2022

 It was October 10th and it was the evening for our monthly meeting and a full meeting it was!

Items brought forward included the last shoot of the Wobles and Doubles League were taking place the next day, the rifle range lock had to be replaced, apparently  because of some vandalism, but the combination remains the same, the rifle range is ready for all those members getting prepared for the various hunting seasons opening soon.  the order of a semi load of clay pigeons is hoped to be delivered on the 21st of the month, the telephone has been repaired and is back in service, the L&V Trap league shoot is coming to Cochranton on October 16th, the youth trapshooting Fall League is coming to Black Ash for the fourth (October 16) and then the final shoot (October 23) of their season  and their Fund Raising auction, raffle and turkey shoot was very successful, the Shooters appreciation and award banquet is coming (more on the scheduling of this below), the ECTL Banquet (October 16th) has about 70 people attending, the Nominating committee of Bob Huson, Jim Taylor and John Catlin was appointed in preparation for the upcoming election at the November meeting, preparing the annual newsletter and club membership renewal was also discussed,  planning and research geared to having a Saegertown club .22LR Action Shooting league was presented to the members for comments and questions.  This League is hoped to be in place in 2023 and provide a lower cost new shooting opportunity at our club. and finally the comments of some visitors to our club on how well our club 's facilities and grounds were reported. Also reported was the problems taking place with the PGC dispatch and reporting being unfamiliar with many things and locations in the Northwestern Region and changes that are proposed to occur at the Waterfowl Management operations at Pymatuning.  Yes there was a lot of things that were in the agenda!

The schedule for the Shooters appreciation Banquet tureen (October 23rd)  was changed slightly so that the young shooters who have won some of the awards presented to winners in the various leakages would be presented to the winners as the first item (at 1:15 PM) so that the winners could still participate in their Fall League shoot later that afternoon at Black Ash.   News updated October 12, 2022  

It was our monthly meeting day, Sept. 12, and we did have a number of things come up.  We received a equest for financial help from Daniel Michaelson for his Eagle Scout project of making Access Friendly picnic areas at Stainbrook Park.  It was M&PS with UC to donate $50 toward his project.  In the building report it was noted that the water wel has had some continuing problems.  This coming week a well expert will be coming to examine the system.  The phone system being dead for more than a month was another topic with a lot of discussion.  Windstream will be contacted about resolving this problem.  Oue VIP League team conducted the season ending John Holt Open ;eague shoot at our grounds and the results were great for us.  Our team took the High Team with Sean Spencer being the High Gun, Josh Bargar High Centerfire and Ayshea Heckman tieing for High Rimfire.  Well done team.  Some ideas were discussed as to how to increase the number of shooters shooting in the VIPL.

The rifle range has had heavy use and one of the target backers will be replaced soon.  The work that was completed recently on refurbishing the Rifle Range and filling in the backstop was noted. 

The Trapshooting has been active with the Tuesday Nite League ending, the Wobbles and Doubles Lg starting its six week season, the Shooters Appreciation banquet being held October 23rd, the ECTL Banquet October 16th the ATA shoot being held Saturday Sept. 24th and the Lake & Valley League first shoot at Greenville this  Sunday, Sept, 18 from 12:00 Noon till 4:00 P.M. all on the calendar make for a busy, busy month.  There is also a load of clay pigeons that will be arriving soon but  we are waiting for the confirmation of the date.  The loss we suffered in the ECTL season shootoff and the ECTL Post-season shoot results were also brought forth.  More details on this is available on the SAE-ECTL pages. 

The Youth Trapshooting team is into its Fall Season and they will be holding a Turkey Shoot fundraiser and Gun Raffle Sept. 17th.  at our club.  More info on this is available below.

Research is still going on with regards to a new mower we will be purchasing.  Thae last item covered was the coming election for the officers and directors that will be leading our club in 2023.  Preliminary contacts with potential candidates will be starting soon.  Some changes in the blind managment at Pymatuning game commission land was also brought forth.  Check the PGC web site to get the latest info on all thae changes which are taking place.

yes, it was another full meeting.  Why don't all you members plan on attending on October meeting being held October 10th so you can be fully informed about what is happening at your club.   News updated September 13, 2022

The report of a very successful visit by our shooters to the ECTL Pre-Season shoot at Sparta is now available.  Click HERE
News updated May 1, 2022

The "Crazy Pickles" have popped up and brought with them a whole new season opening for the Erie Crawford Trap League.  Yes, the ECTL Pre-Season shoot is Sunday, May 1st at Sparta with signups from 10:00 AM till 3:PM.  See you there.

Remember also that we will be sponsoring a New Gun Owners Safety class on June 18th.  Downloadable information available by Clicking Here.  Oh, you ask, "What are Crazy Pickles?"   You may know them as "Daffy Dills!".  News updated April 26, 2022

It was a busy Sunday, April 24th at our club.  It started early at 9:00 AM with the trap fields opening to host the Lake & Valley Trap League April shoot.  Full details on the shoot are available on the LV League page.  Lets just say it was a VERY GOOD DAY for us.  Then, as soon as the L&V shoot ended, it was another very active group of shooters taking over.  The Saegertown High Trap Team took over the fields and proceeded to "Break Some Clays".  The large group of young shooters looked just great in their team uniform Tee Shirts.  Those "Panthers" were really clawing up those clay pigeons.  News updated April 24, 2022

The VIPL Handgunners have started the 2022 Season.  Check out the results of the first of the shoots this year on the VIPL page. News updated April 23, 2022

The Tuesday Nite League is now in session!  And it started with some rally pretty poor weather.  As seems to be the normal this year, the winds were BLOWING, the targets were jumping and the scores were dropping!  You can get the latest scores by going to the Tuesday Nite Lg. page.     News updated April 20, 2022

April's monthly meeting is now in the books.  It was an active meeting indeed.

Top news is that there will be NO Trap Practice this coming Sunday.  Everyone can spend time with their family searching for those Easter Eggs that the Easyer Bunny must have left when he came visiting.  That also means there will be no SHS trap shooting taking place.  Then the following week, April 24th, we will be hosting the Lake & Valley shoot from 9:00 A.M. till signups close at 3:00 P.M.  We will be needing a lot of help to have a smooth running shoot for the many shooters that take part in this league.  The need for help is especially needed for this shoot since we will be slightly changing the field  assignments for squadding.  We are going to a two bank sysytem for this shoot.  Shooters assigned to Bank 1 will be using trap fiels 1 & 2 while those assigned to Bank 2 will be using Trap Fields 3 & 4.  The SHS is planning on having its shooting session following the completion of the L&V shoot.  The L&V shoot is expected to be completed by 4:00 P.M.

This coming Friday we will be holding our traditional "Good Friday" ATA Registered shoot.  Here is your chance to start pping your target count for this season.

Remember also that our Tuesday Nite League season opener is taking place April 19th and it will run for 20 weeks till August 30th.  If you are a member of the ATA you can also choose to have your Tuesday Nite Lg. targets registered with the ATA dor the 2022 season.

The Erie-Crawford Trap League season will be opening May 1st with the preseason shoot at Sparta.  Sign-ups are from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. with our first weekly shoot taking place when we visit Bay City on Thursday, May 5th.  There are a few changes in the manner ties are to be broken in the ECTL this year.  You can refer to the ECTL website Rules page for more information.

The SHS Head Coach, John Jordon gave a report on the teams status and activities.  He also displayed the banners honoring the five Seniors who will be graduating this year.  The banners and much more information about the SHS plans and activities are available on the SHS Page

In other news, our club house suffered some damage in the recent wind storms.  Some shingles were blown off.  They have been replaced and the roof is back in good condition.  The flickering light illuminating our parking area has been replaced and things are looking bright again.

Big news for the VIPL and others using the pistol range is that the steel targets have completed their duty and are now retired.  With the heavy use they have endured over the past years they started to present a safety problem and have been pulled out.  Safer alternatives are being researched.

The VIPL will be holding its first shoot of the 2022 season at the Ronnie Foulk Pistol Rang this Saturday beginning at 5:00 PM.  Get those short guns out of the gun safe, wipe off the dust and take them out to the shoot to get your aim sharpened up for the new season.  You can get to see and use the new target backers that were installed just a few days ago.

In the business part of club operations, because of the closing of the PNC branch in Saegertown, and audit and closing of the safety deposit bix at the bank was completed recently.  A report was given to the mebers of the contents of the deposit box and where the deposts will now be stored.   Another business matter was the report on the research currently under way regarding the club;s insurance coverages.  We are fully covered at present but are looking at some possible alternatives for future coverage. 

The other big project currently being set up is the New Gun Owners Safety Class,  This class was very well received when it was last offered in 2020.  It was hoped to have another class in 2021 byt the Covid pandemic prevented that from happening.  So, now in 2022 we are hoping to have everything in place for another class in mid-June.  Many more details have to be finalized so be sure to check back frequently to get the latest updates.

Just a safety reminder that the Archery rang is closed when trap shooting is taking place.  A new possible program for .22 rifle shooters is being researched.  This is an organized program run at several places with the closest such currently operating program down in the Grove City-Franklin area.  There was no further information available about the upcoming Friends of the NRA Banquet scheduled for May 21st at the Pampered Pallette in Saegertown. 

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